Display Ad Design

How to Make Your Ad Talk about Value Creatively?

The key to success in advertising is making creative ads that help reach out to potential customers. However, while we talk about different strategies of making an ad creative and successful, the one idea that remains at the top is to make an ad talking about values rather than products. It is one of the most effective advertising strategies that many renowned marketers use around the globe. It helps them receive immediate attention from the audience.

Digital Needs of Non-Traditional Families

The world is changing, and so should we: let's find out how marketers can be much more inclusive, and increase brand connection with their customers.

What Can Make You Click the Ad?

It is quite obvious that the Google display ad business has been flourishing for the past few years. While visiting different websites online, you will get to see multiple ads relevant to your search history, location, and a lot of other factors. Google knows what people like and it has done a great job of using this knowledge to make its ads very effective. It knows how to look at search history and base its ads on users' interests, which is why it can push products at just the right time.  

What Makes a Successful Google Display Ad?

Google display network (GDN) has become the largest advertising network available on the Internet today. There cannot be even a single person who doesn’t see various types of google display ads on the Internet unless he/she has been living under a rock for ages. A few days back, I also started noticing the increase in the number of Google ads I see on websites. The question that came into my mind was “What type of Google display ad usually grabs the attention of the people?”

Ad Review: What Makes A Good Display Ad

Today let’s talk about what makes a good Display Ad. However, sometimes, to go forward, we must first take a step back. In other words, to understand what makes a good display ad, it may be imperative to first understand what doesn’t…..or how about we understand both simultaneously?

How To Deal With Problematic Content In Display Advertising

When most people think of Display Advertising, they don’t necessarily associate it with problematic or controversial content. Who can blame them? It’s difficult to imagine that immensely popular marketing tools such as Display Ads could cause any harm. Think about it, there’s only so much damage that an image or illustration featuring promotional text can do…..right? Right….?

Ad Analysis: When A Display Ad Gets It Right

The ad analysis posts I usually work on consist of mainly negative reviews on display ads (both static and video ads). Therefore, I thought I’d mix things up this time and review an ad that I believed ticked nearly all the right boxes concerning what a good display ad should be like.

What These 5 Greek Philosophers Can Teach Us About Business & Marketing.

Let’s look at a few philosophical figures who have inspired even modern-day marketers when it comes to thinking out of the box and taking rational decisions.

Is the era for display ads coming to an end?

Here are a few reasons why I believe as advertisers we need to start finding modern alternatives over traditional advertising methods.

Should I hire a PPC that’s also a graphic designer?

So last week we dove into whether or not we should hire a PPC that’s also a writer, and we figured that it was a great qualification to have in our employee. So to keep up that same storyline, today we’ll be discussing which are the main pros and cons of having a PPC that, besides being an amazing Ad specialist, can also create fantastic illustrations and images for the campaigns they build. 

Why take out a Display Ad anyway?

Just a couple of days ago, I was having a coffee with an old friend that works in the Communications Department of a big company (that shall remain anonymous, of course), and was having trouble with a campaign that’s coming ahead. So she told me they were launching a new product, which was not actually new but was now targeted for a different audience than their traditional one, and were asked to create pretty much the most efficient campaign ever created and combine both PR and Marketing (I believe she named it in a cool way, something like Global Strategic Communication). So, of course, the Marketing guys came in all about throwing Display Ads, and my old friend’s first thought was “Why take out a Display Ad anyway? Are they even working anymore?” and that’s what brings us to today’s topic: Why do we still choose to take out Display Ads?