Great Moments in the History of Marketing

Riding the Third Wave of Digital Advertising: What’s New & What’s Next

This article will discuss factors which define the third wave of digital advertising.

The Evolution of Conversion Tracking

While doing my Adalisys’s article last week, I had a great opportunity to think about something fundamental in the marketing world: conversion tracking. I’ve always found this to be a particularly interesting and complex aspect of the advertising world and, here I’ll guide you through its evolution and specifications for different programs. 

Hesperidina: Plastering the City with “Coming Soon” Messages… Almost 200 Years Ago

Before we jump into the exciting marketing story behind Hesperidina, I need to confess why it is close to my heart. It's the story of an American who (almost 200 years ago) went to Argentina.

What Marketing Trick Did Nathan’s Hotdogs Use to Jumpstart its User Growth… in 1916?

I read a fantastic story years ago back when this retronym called "physical books" was a thing, a story so awesome I've quoted it probably more than a hundred and ten times! But my memory was not terrible because it has been confirmed online, insofar as a prestigious web site writing about it is a form of "confirmation." It's worth reading.

What Marketing Trick Was Used to Raise Money for Building the Statue of Liberty?

While our articles on this site tend to deep dive into display advertising, as a lover of history and marketing, I can't resist when I discover secret gems from the history of marketing. So, from time to time I'll share them here. Here's one I just found while trying to figure out the explanation for why the Statue of Liberty was built on top of an 11-point star fort.