Display Campaigns (General)

How To Make Display Ads Personal Without Appearing Invasive

There's a fine line between making ads that are personal and making ads that appear to invade a user's privacy.

Pro tip: Double-check the URL before completing an official payment

What happens when users are the victims of Ad Fraud? And more specifically, how exactly could this happen?

Is it better to have a PPC with the human touch or who uses the latest and greatest tools?

So today we’ll try to guide you by reviewing the two main separations in the PPC field: The people-oriented PPC, or the one that’s almost a robot.

The Ad Campaign Facebook should have double-checked before approving

As we all know by now, throwing Ad Campaigns it’s not as easy as it was 10 years ago, because our big tech giants have been implementing more and more policies related to what can be advertised, to whom and how, and what’s absolutely forbidden.

How To Differentiate Between Ads That Clickbait And Those That Aren’t?

Let’s face it, one of the last things anyone wants to see when browsing the internet is clickbait ads. When they first came out, such ads seemed unique, exciting, and even creative. However, over time, most people came to realize that these ads are quite true to their name by acting as nothing more than bait to lure readers in.

The scandal Google’s fancy lawyers could have prevented

Do you remember last week’s article on Google and Facebook’s secret Ad deal? If you don’t, let me summarize it for you.

Why is everyone ignoring Google Ads’ FLoC Strategy?

Short answer: Because it sucks. But hey, what’s the point of being here if I’m not going to explain to you in an incredibly detailed and deep manner why an Advertising Strategy didn’t work, right? So today we’ll go deep diving into what’s up with Google Ads FLoCs, what are they, and most importantly, why aren’t their competitors trying to join them, according to this article.

Mother’s Day 2021: Let’s celebrate our PPCs who are also mothers💗

Growing up, I remember seeing my own mom as this superhero who was able to handle her work responsibilities (that always seemed like too many), as well as being the most loving mother to my siblings and me--and never letting any detail at all slip through her fingers. Nowadays, a bit older and hopefully a bit wiser, I no longer see her as a superhero; I know she is one.

Facebook’s inflated metrics: Betrayal or misunderstanding?

I’d love that the headline of this article meant something like Facebook Ads’ touch to optimize your campaign and get you more conversions, but it doesn’t. Today’s story includes everything that a good drama needs: Secrets, betrayal, third parties, and obviously a huge lawsuit. According to this article, Facebook has been, not only hiding but also lying about much more than we’d let them get away with. 

The Influence of Instagram On Ads

Instagram is now one of the leading social media platforms in the world and for good reason. The surprising feature Instagram has managed to pull off amidst rising competition from other social media platforms is that it’s still growing in popularity. One way to explain this would be the timeless appeal of speaking through images; the other would be a global pandemic that’s forced everyone to stay indoors and spend more time than usual on social media.

Is the Display Ad world too complex? (AKA, DSP, SSP, What?!)

Short answer: Yes, it is. But today, we’ll try to approach understanding why, and what consequences all this complexity brings. A few days ago, a friend of mine and I realized we had another friend in common that we never knew of, so I said: “The world really is a village”, and she gave me an answer I’d never heard nor thought of: “And really very similar to a maze”. This crazy deep and also very simple analysis meant one thing that could easily apply to the Display Ad world too: As small as it is, it can get impossibly complex.