Let’s see what this week’s numbers say about online advertising, shall we?
- Agile Marketing: results from the 5th annual State of Agile Marketing report, by AgileSherpas, Adobe Workfront & IBM iX indicate that 43% of marketers have adopted some form of Agile marketing in their organization, and from those who haven’t, 51% are planning to do so.
- According to eMarketer, nearly half of US consumers have been gettig the wrong ads. Somewhat alarming results show that from the 49% who said they received incorrect ads, 42% immediately unsubscribed from the brand’s content.
- Hashtag Culture 101: care to know which were last years top hashtags? The results show that the top hashtag that appeared alongside #contentmarketing was #digitalmarketing, 47% of the time. Followed by #seo which appeared 40% of the time.