Let’s see what this week’s numbers say about online advertising, shall we?
- According to this report, in the wake of Apple’s and Google’s new privacy measures, spending on programmatic display advertising, is expected to rise more than 15% to nearly $142 billion next year, per our projections. Businesses have already cited losses from Apple’s launch of AppTrackingTransparency. Meta, for example, estimated that the privacy changes could cost it $10 million just in 2022.
- An article on The Drum, says thats 90% of marketers say it’s getting harder to retain talent. The report also finds that the challenge will be particularly severe in high-demand areas such as data and e-commerce. 80% of all respondents selected data as an area where additional capabilities would be required over the next two years, closely followed by e-commerce (73%) and measurement (68%).
- A report from eMarketer shows that the future is bright in Sports Advertising. The report found that the number of American live sports viewers was 57.5 million last year, and that number is expected to climb to 90 million by 2025, which is nearly 57% growth.