Digital Marketing Humor

How Would Friedrich Hayek PPC?

Friedrich Hayek will always have a place in my heart. When I first read the Road to Serfdom, in my 20s, I thought it was a book of penetrating insight, and the winning example of how an intellectual could write for a mass audience. Now, too long later, I revisit those same ideas and they feel obvious to me, they feel partially misleading, and partially I feel like the ideas were never quite as popular as I imagined. This is, however, more a symptom of me growing up in a little intellectual bubble than anything else. So let's recap Hayek's most influential idea.

How Would Jeremy Bentham PPC?

Jeremy Bentham! Most widely remembered today as the Father of Utilitarianism. I remember him for a much more idiosyncratic reason: when he died, instead of burying him, they stuffed him like they used to do to hunted animals and put his body on display at his beloved University UCL. What a perfect ending for the father of Utilitarianism: truly wanting the whole world to benefit equally in everything, so why not give the whole world the equal opportunity to see you, even in death? But of course, the body-on-display suffers from the same problems as utilitarianism itself: in practice, it turns out to be kinda gross and creepy and even fails to live up to its high ideals (to get access to see the body, you need to be able to afford to fly to London). So, this leads me to wonder: if Jeremy Bentham were alive today, what sort of PPC would he be? Would I hire him to PPC for me?

How Would Plato PPC? (Part II)

So we've already analyzed how Plato would have been as a PPC. But the oeuvre commonly attributed to Plato is so vast and deep that we can dive into many different aspects. Last time, we focused mostly on The Cave. Today, we will focus on his observations on metals.

PPC Meme Fun: On Geotargeting

That feeling when your geo-targeting is USA only... And you get visitors from France.

PPC Meme Fun: On Google Ads SKAG

When someone says: I always felt "I was doing it wrong by not using SKAGs".

PPC Meme Fun: The Client’s Face, When You Stop Counting Time-on-site As a Lead

Happy Monday :)

PPC Meme Fun: On Google AdWords Logic

Showing Display Ads on relevant websites vs. Showing them everywhere else.

PPC Meme Fun: On A Button As Part Of An Ad Image

Hey Guys, I just made this meme for today! Enjoy :)

PPC Meme Fun: On Retargeting Ads

I bet you know this feeling :)

PPC Meme Fun: Google Ad Reps Advice

Happy Thursday Everyone! :) Here's some fun for today.

PPC meme fun: On what Google Ad Reps really do

Monday's PPC fun, enjoy :)