Such exciting news from Zsolt Maslayni and Team Managed Placements, I will jump to the end:
After six months of intense software development, the beta version of is live and ready for the world to test.
What is this long-awaited project?
Well, you can read all about it yourself on their site about managed placements, but here is what it boils down to:
- Every PPC around wants to target display campaigns by coming up with a list of sites (placements!) to give to Google to target.
- PPCs want to do this because it gives you total control over the sites and/or pages you appear on. And it avoids the frustration of trying to eliminate the 99% of placements that are off-target.
- Few PPCs tend to use this because finding good placements takes a looooooot of time. Lots and lots of Google searches, checking to make sure they run Google ads, and you have to be a bit sophisticated to do it well. It’s not a mindless task you can outsource to someone who started yesterday.
- Because it is so time-consuming to compile these, few use it. But…
- This is the sort of task that AI & machine learning are good at solving!
- Therefore… Managed Placements to the rescue!
How’s that for a syllogism?
This problem is almost as old as AdWords/Google Ads’ display campaigns themselves. And no one has created a good and reliable way to find managed placements. But is here to help!
Why has no one solved this until now?
Because it is complex technology. This is precisely what Zsolt and the team found out as they were building it.
And it’s still not quite ready for prime time (but getting very close!). Some searches still require tweaking and close guidance. It’s a bit closer with each algorithm update every week.
But you know what it is ready for?
A. Public Beta.
That’s right! It’s good enough to let people beyond the core team itself and a few close friends use it.
The requirements for participating in the public beta are:
- You need to work professionally as a PPC.
- You need to be currently running at least one display campaign to try it.
- This display campaign should be a prospecting (not retargeting) campaign.
- You need to run campaigns in English. Note that within the next few weeks, foreign language filters should be available.
- Optionally, you can become a certified PPC as well.
There are a few benefits to participating in the public beta. These include:
- You will have an opportunity to make this super-useful piece of software (web-based SaaS, for the record) work even better to be even more useful for you and other PPCs.
- You can use the platform and get placements for free.
- The eternal gratitude of the core team.
- The team can buy you a coffee or beer in person, next time you’re in the same city and the laws allow for non-socially-distanced socialization in bars or cafes.
- The team can recommend you for PPC certification as well.
Sound interesting? Drop us a note here or head over to and sign up!
Stepping back for a moment, if you’ve worked closely with lots of managed placements or have experience using this strategy, the team would love to talk to you as well! We’re friendly and we are waiting anxiously for the worldwide quarantines to end so we can meet up in person. We’d love to have a Zoom and chat at any point. So, drop us a note.