PPCs and Agencies

Which red flags should we pay attention to during our PPC selection process?

You may be interviewing an awesome professional, who has years of experience in your industry, and that seems to be a perfect fit for your company. But, for some reason, you feel hesitant about hiring them. Or even worse, you actually hire that PPC, and end up discovering that he actually was, for any reason, a terrible addition to your team. But how could this happen? Well, that’s what brings us here today: what are those things that we should pay attention to during our PPC selecting process, that we won’t find just by reading a resume? 

Why hire a PPC anyway?

By now, you probably are very aware of the fact that we are huge fans of PPC marketing and PPC experts, and if you are not then we’ll assume this is the first thing you’ve read from us, and say welcome! So while for the past months we’ve been going on and on about what to consider before hiring a PPC, the different PPCs that could fit your organization, how you should recruit them, and even how you should pay them, we’ve never stopped for a second to think about a very important matter: why would a company want to hire a PPC in the first place? 

Why can’t I hire a PPC even though I keep searching for one?

Recently, we’ve been talking a lot about the many aspects to consider before hiring someone, during the interview process, and even some tips to keep in mind after you’ve actually hired a PPC. We’ve dove into different types of PPCs, different types of companies, and even different types of payment methods for your PPC. However, there’s one aspect that we haven’t covered yet, and is as important as the actual PPC search: what happens if we’ve been in the search for a PPC for a while, have interviewed candidates and everything, and still seem to not be able to hire anyone? Why can this happen, and how can we fix it? 

Should I hire a family member as my PPC specialist?

If you have ever been in the awkward position of having to decide whether or not to hire a family member, then for sure today’s article is for you. Because today we’ll be diving into all the factors to consider before actually going ahead and saying “yes, aunt Georgia, I have a job opening right here waiting for Frank to fulfill it!”. And of course, there are a lot of factors to consider. So let’s jump right in, shall we? 

Is a PPC having been fired from a previous job a risk factor for hiring them?

Woah, tough topic to dive into today, ain’t it? But hey, someone has to talk about it. And I love to talk. So let’s say that you’ve published a job offer, interviewed a couple of candidates, and eventually found one that you considered to be your perfect PPC fit. And so, you figured it would be a good idea to dig a little deeper, and see what this person is really all about, and make sure they are an actual perfect fit. But, at some point in the research, you find out that one thing you wish you never find out when looking for an employee: This awesome PPC has been fired from another job. 

How to create a job offer no PPC can resist

The job offers that we publish say a lot about our companies, and it’s the first thing our PPC candidates will know about how a day working with us will be, so it’s really not something that we can get done just by throwing there some random stuff in items, and expect people to want to work for us, can we? So today, we’ll dive into some things to consider before building and publishing a job offer. 

Should I hire a PPC with no previous experience?

Should we be the first job experience of a PPC? Well, here’s the full analysis of the situation, and why should you and why shouldn’t you do it. So let’s jump right in, shall we? 

Should I pay my PPC hourly or by project?

For the last couple of months, we’ve been going on and on about the different possibilities you had whenever facing the situation of having to hire a PPC, and the many aspects to consider before going ahead and doing it. We’ve already dived into the many different types of PPC you have, where could you (and should you) find them, and even did our best to help you find the right PPC fit for you. But of course, there comes the time when you’ve already gone through all that discovery process, even had some interviews, and are almost ready to sign a contract, but then you have to figure out which your working relationship will be. 

Should I hire a PPC that’s also a graphic designer?

So last week we dove into whether or not we should hire a PPC that’s also a writer, and we figured that it was a great qualification to have in our employee. So to keep up that same storyline, today we’ll be discussing which are the main pros and cons of having a PPC that, besides being an amazing Ad specialist, can also create fantastic illustrations and images for the campaigns they build. 

Should I hire a PPC that’s also a writer?

When we are looking for a PPC, we should always try and find the ones that are the most complete, so we know they can do a very integrated job, and that probably won’t need so many team members to get their jobs done. So today, we’ll dive into some of the reasons why a PPC that’s also a writer (or a good enough writer) can be the best choice to make. 

How important is it that your PPC is a team player?

Whenever we are thinking of hiring a PPC, there’s always a lot of things to consider, and a very important one is how well our PPC fits with our companies. But today we are going to dig even deeper on this subject, and we’ll dive into the question of whether we should hire someone based on their personality (and how much we like it) or just base our decisions on the skills they have or lack.