This Week In Digital Advertising Data (September 16th, 2022)

Let’s see what this week’s numbers say about online advertising, shall we?

  • Latin podcast listeners seem to respond to ads, a report by Edison Research finds, with the percentage of the Latin community listening to podcasts reaching 59% this year. Amongst other things, the report indicates that: 53% are men, compared to 58% last year; 47% are ages 18-34, down from 48% last year and 50% in 2020; and 48% are US-born 1st generation (at least one immigrant parent), while one-quarter were born outside of the US.
  • Interesting forecast of industries ad spending: this year’s digital ad spending growth rate of 17.8% is less than half of what was witnessed last year. Leading the pack in forecast digital ad spend growth will be Retail, with a 23.5% rise. Followed by Travel industry (+22.5%) and Telecom (20.8%).
  • According to the latest report by Warc and, 65% of marketers surveyed said that influencer collaborations work more often than they fail. Marketers and influencers surveyed indicated that the best type of partnership is for the influencer to develop their own content for the brand.
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