This Week in Digital Advertising Data (July 8th, 2022)

Let’s see what this week’s numbers say about online advertising, shall we?

  • We all know Facebook hasn’t been considered cool by the youths for at least a decade- from personal experience ;) Now on this eMarketer forecast, the platform is “set to lose users in the US for the first time“. Facebook users will fall for the first time this year, dropping 0.8%, a 1.4 million user decrease, to 178.3 million users.
  • On this new survey by McKinsey indicates that brand-building campaigns are of high importance to advertisers when investing in retail media networks. From a total of almost 200 advertisers their anticipated RMN spend allocations across objectives in the coming years (1-2). The results suggest an almost equal weighting between performance marketing (35% share), brand building/campaigns (34%) and shopper/co-op marketing (31%).
  • On this interesting report by OAAA  on “What is the most common online action after seeing an Ad?” About 41% of US consumers ages 16-64 have used a search engine to look up information after seeing an out of home ad in the past 6 months. The next-most common online action was searching for information on social media sites about what they had seen advertised, with one-third (33%) having done so in the past 6 months. This was followed by searching video sites for more information (30%) and visiting the advertiser’s website (28%).
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