Let’s see what this week’s numbers say about online advertising, shall we?
- eMarketer forecasts that, in 2022, advertisers will spend $24.35 billion on video advertising on social networks, increasing by 20.1% as compared to 2021’s numbers.
- Marketing Charts report on global ad spending explains that, in 2021, numbers grew by 15.6% (y-o-y) and that, in 2022, they are expected to grow by 9.1%.
- Marketing Charts explains that, in 2021, worldwide media ad spend grew by 20% year-over-year, surpassing also 2019’s numbers (aka pre-pandemic numbers) by $120 billion.
- Marketing Charts survey on the brand content that appeals consumers shows that 57% of them find humorous brand messages most appealing at the moment… time for meme ads I guess?